We are Looking for 100 Beta Users for Our Freelance Finance Solution!

Alexandra Nuth
2 min readOct 11, 2022


Platypus (www.heyplatypus.com) is on a mission to level the playing field between freelance work and traditional work. We’ve just launched our cashflow smoothing product in beta, and we’re looking for freelancers and independent workers to test it out.

Beta users get a 3-month free trial of the platform (no need for a credit card) and can cancel anytime.

Who are We Looking for?

  • US-based freelancers, self-employed professionals, or independents (1099 workers only)
  • Those making more than $40k/year

How to Join the Program?

👉👉 Click here to sign up as a beta user

The Story of Platypus

Some people are perfectly happy with traditional jobs, working nine to five for someone else.

Not us. We don’t want to have to ask our boss for permission to take a vacation, or for time off to learn new skills. We want to be able to choose what, how, and when we work. We work hard to create our own success and are in control of our destiny.

But operating a freelance business is tough. We deal with inconsistent income, confusing income taxes, no health insurance, and trouble getting mortgages and loans.

That’s why Platypus exists. If you value the freedom and flexibility that comes with running a freelance business, we want to make sure you’re not burdened with extra stress and challenges.‍

Your freelance finances can be stressful, but we’re here to help you along the way!

Why a Platypus?

The Platypus is a one-of-a-kind animal made up of a lot of interesting parts. They are a little bit quirky, very unique, and completely independent. Just like freelancers.

What does Platypus do?

Platypus provides freelancer-friendly cash top-ups designed for slow months in your business.

1. Monthly cash top-ups designed to stabilize cash flow

Access cash top-ups with flexible repayments, perfect for helping you get through your slow months or for when things don’t go as planned.

2. Flexible repayments matched to cash flow

Stop worrying about making fixed monthly payments, compounding interest, or hefty fees — benefit from flexible paybacks that match your cashflow ups and downs.

3. Automated taxes, perks, and analytics on the roadmap!

Coming soon we will help freelancers plan for their taxes, access perks, and see cash flow insights about their freelance business.

Join us. Let’s grow together!

👉👉 Click here to sign up as a beta user



Alexandra Nuth

Alex Nuth is a recovered big company consultant with experience (and scars) from delivering innovation from within corporates and startups.